04 December 2012

Day 01 - Meet Isilo the oldest Tusker in Southern Africa

As Guss and the other elephant ambled around suddenly to our far -right one hell of a large elephant appeared, we pretty much all let out a gasp!

Enter Isilo, a legend elephant as he is estimated to be over 60 years of age, is believed to possibly be the oldest Tusker in Southern Africa but is officially the largest Tusker in Tembe and Southern Africa. Although he looked a magnificent specimen his physical appearance showed that he was no longer in the best of health. He was leaner than the younger bulls mainly due to loss of teeth with age, difficulty chewing and digesting vegetation so prefers the soft lower lying grass. Leonard was super pleased to see him as the park thought they were going to lose him last season. Sadly, they expect him not to last next season so this was an amazing magical moment! Tusker is a name given to older elephants with tusks exceeding 3 meters in length.

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